Online Gift Card Store Setup
Need a way to sell gift cards online but unsure where to start? We’ve got a super simple solution that requires roughly 30 minutes of your time. Fungi Marketing has partnered up with a specialized e-gift card company to help local Triad-based businesses get up and running within 24 hours. More details on our simple 3-step process are listed below…
How It Works
1. To kick things off, just call (919) 636-9835 xt 3 to speak with Ryan or email Fungi at you.rock@fungimarketing.com.
2. Next we’ll schedule a 30-minute conference call where we’ll get your portal account setup. Be sure to have your bank account info, FEIN, and contact info handy as we’ll need to enter those so you can get paid directly.
3. Once everything is entered correctly and submitted, it takes roughly 24 hours for the portal to go live. As soon as it is up, we’ll get that link added to your profile on ShopTheTriad.com.
*NOTE: Because the process of setting up the site and some quick design work for your gift card / portal template takes up 1-2 hours of our time, there is a one-time $50 service fee.