Help Your Local Triad Businesses

Buy a gift card today and use it later to help save a local business!


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Help Your Local Triad Businesses

Buy a gift card today and use it later to help save a local restaurant!


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How To Use Our Site / Services

Buy Gift Cards! 

We’ve created a master list of links to purchase gift cards from your favorite local Triad businesses OR you can call / visit their website for more details if no gift cards are available yet. 

Submit A Business

Don’t see your business or another local company on our map? Fill out the form on this page so we can get them added! There are no fees to add a new business to our website. 

E-Gift Card Site Creation

For businesses without a way to sell gift cards online, we have a solution for you! For $50 and 30 minutes of your time, we’ll get an online gift card site up and running in roughly 24 hours.



Fungi Marketing and Triad Local First have joined forces to help support locally owned businesses in new and unique ways. Discover more about our two organizations and collaborative project we’re working on.

Local Businesses Need Your Help!

Due to health and safety concerns from COVID-19, many of our local Triad companies are temporarily closing their doors. The end result? A huge loss of income. Over the coming weeks, your favorite shop owners, their staff and suppliers will all be struggling to stay afloat.  

Shop the Triad has sourced as much information as possible to help consumers like you contribute locally. By purchasing a gift card from your favorite Triad company today, you’re supporting the local economy in a measurable way. And once it is safe to venture back out, you’ll be able to redeem your purchase from all these grateful business owners!